We built the Sketchpad for soccer coaches who teach the game. The goal was to build a sketch program that could produce and print a professional looking drawing in 4 minutes. We believe we have succeeded. You be the judge.
Here are the basic Sketchpad features:
Add any number of the following objects to a drawing: Attacking Players, Defending Players, Neutral Players with any color jersey, Soccer balls, Cones, Flags, Text labels of any size, font, font color, Straight arrow, Curved arrow, Dotted arrow, Dribble Line, Shot Line, Rectangle, Oval
Additional functions with objects:
- Rectangles and ovals have transparency and can be rotated
- Group objects
- Click and drag objects or groups of objects
- Align objects: left, top, right, bottom, vertical center, horizontal center, distribute vertically, distribute horizontally
- Lock objects so they don’t move
- Move objects through layers: back, backward, forward, front
- Color objects using any color and save your 10 favorite colors
- Text label attributes: color, size, font, bold, italic, underline
- Create lists of text values to drop on to the drawing including team rosters (samples are provided)
- Field Position palette allows you to see exactly where you are placing an object
- Markers Palette allows you to create any number of marker sets by color and show a sequence of events using numbered markers
- Roster palette allows you to have any number of rosters designed from which you can drag player names on to the drawing.
Additional Object functions from the menus:
- Select all attackers
- Select all defenders
- Insert formation (4-4-2,4-4-3,4-3-4,3-5-2,4-5-1)
Drawing Backgrounds:
- Blank
- Full field
- Half Field
- Penalty area
- Penalty area large
- Quad – Upper left
- Quad – Upper right
- Quad – Lower left
- Quad – Lower right
File Options:
- Export a drawing as a JPEG file
- Save a drawing as a template
- Organize drawings and templates for easy access